Your journey begins here
Natal Chart Analysis
Find out how the position of the planets at your birth influence your entire life and personality.
12 Month Forecast
Prepare for what´s ahead. Get personal guidance for the next 12 months on relationships, love, career, money, health etc.
Jupiter Return
Your Jupiter return is a time to make plans. Jupiter returns to his natal sign and degree every 12 years. Your Jupiter return can be a tremendous growth period, materially, financially, intellectually, professionally and personaly.
Love Compatibility
Find out if you and your love interest are soul mates, best friends, or a recipe for disaster.
Health & Vitality
Medical astrology, or Health astrology, is the branch of astrology that deals primarily with health concerns. In your natal chart I can determine which, if any, health issues you are likely to experience throughout the course of your life.
Pluto Square Pluto
Your Pluto square Pluto transit happens once in your life and is a period of profound change and renewal.
Career Report
If you wonder if you are in the right job, making enough money and maintaining a good work/life balance, this report is for you !
Saturn Return
Your Saturn return occurs every 27 to 29 years when the planet Saturn returns to the sign and degree it was at when you were born. It´s a time of coming into alignment with your life´s true path. the Saturn return calls for personal growth and major life changes.